2024-2025 Master theses subjects in the Electromagnetics Group
We are delighted to present you with this academic year's list of master theses offered by the Electromagnetics Group. For further information, please feel free to visit
If you have any questions or would like to connect, we warmly encourage you to reach out to any of the promotors or supervisors through the staff page.
Your inquiries are always welcome!
- 140 GHz (D-Band) antenna system for heterogeneous integration technologies to enable the next generation of wireless 6G
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- 2D Optical Phased Arrays for Beam Steering Based On 3D Photonic Integrated Circuits
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Bart Kuyken
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz, Reinier Broucke, Hendrik Rogier
- 6G Antenna Design for Mobile Phones
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- A Sparse Polynomial Chaos model for Microwave Medical Imaging
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Ann Franchois
Supervisors: Jo Verhaevert
- Accurate Breast Models for Medical Imaging
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Ann Franchois
- Advanced Leaky-Wave Antenna Design for Automotive Radars at 77 GHz
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- An active antenna array for 5G mm-Wave applications employing angular filtering to achieve large scan angles
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Antennas and sub-THz components for 5G and Beyond
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Olivier Caytan, Samuel Rimbaut, Laura Van Messem, Arno Moerman
- Beyond 5G: Dielectric mmWave Components for Future Communication Systems at sub-THz frequencies
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Gert-Jan Gordebeke, Arno Moerman, Reinier Broucke, Samuel Rimbaut
- Beyond 5G: Holographic Beamforming with Fiber-Wireless Antenna Systems
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Arno Moerman, Olivier Caytan
- Conformal 3D-Printed 79 GHz Automotive Radar Front-End for Collision Detection
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Gert-Jan Gordebeke, Olivier Caytan, Laura Van Messem, Bram Hoflack
- Conformal antenna design using new thermoformed-PCB techniques
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Frederick Bossuyt
Supervisors: Victor Van der Elst, Ruben Wilssens, Sam Lemey, Jo Verhaevert
- Coupled Oscillator Based Active Antenna Array with Phase-Shifterless Beam-Scanning Capabilities
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Design and characterization of a time reversal system for focusing fields in next generation wireless networks
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Ann Franchois
Supervisors: Sam Lemey, Olivier Caytan
- Design of a multiband analog-over-fiber wireless front end
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Arno Moerman, Olivier Caytan, Arno Moerman
- Design of planar meta-material lenses
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Hendrik Rogier
- Development of an optoelectronic transducer for antenna characterization
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Bart Kuyken
Supervisors: Arno Moerman, Olivier Caytan, Patrick Van Torre, Sam Lemey
- Domain Decoupling in Wave Modelling
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Hendrik Rogier
- Electromagnetic bandgap structures enabling high performance mmWave and beyond waveguide and antenna array structures
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Samuel Rimbaut, Bram Hoflack
- GPU Acceleration of Wave Modelling
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Jan Fostier
- Heuristic Heatsink Array Antenna Design for 6G
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Immortal Parallelism
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Jan Fostier
- In-line reflection coefficient sensor to adaptively match smart surface antenna
Promotors: Patrick Van Torre, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Joryan Sennesael, Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz, Hendrik Rogier
- Large-Scale Millimeter-Wave Opto-Electronic Active Multi-Antenna System
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: , Olivier Caytan, Kristof Cools, Arno Moerman
- mmWave Photonic Antenna Array for 5G and beyond
Promotors: Bart Kuyken, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Olivier Caytan, Arno Moerman, Hendrik Rogier, Margot Niels, Dennis Maes
- Modelling of Invisibility Cloaks
Promotors: Kristof Cools, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Paul Olyslager
- Monopulse Wideband SIW Based Array Antenna for Tracking Applications
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Multibeam Antenna Technologies for 6G Base Stations
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Novel, Compact Front-End for Next-Generation Full-Duplex Communication Systems at 60 GHz
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Laura Van Messem, Olivier Caytan, Samuel Rimbaut
- Phased Antenna Array for the Next-Generation Avionic Satellite Communications
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Polarization-reconfigurable antenna for racing drones
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Hendrik Rogier
Supervisors: Victor Van der Elst, Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz, Jo Verhaevert
- Power efficient near-field focusing for upcoming 6G MIMO networks
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Ann Franchois
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Near-Field Focused Antenna Array for the Next-Generation High-Data-Rate Communication
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Reverberation Chamber Metrology for System-Level Validation of Ultra-Wideband Systems
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Ruben Wilssens, Jelle JocquƩ, Olivier Caytan
- Self-Sustaining UWB Node with Hybrid Energy Harvesting for Sensing and Localization
Promotors: Sam Lemey, Jo Verhaevert
Supervisors: Jelle JocquƩ, Ruben Wilssens, Hendrik Rogier
- Wideband feed for scanning small lens-phased array at submillimeter wavelengths (beyond 100 GHz)
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Sam Lemey
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz
- Wireless Communication via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Promotors: Hendrik Rogier, Heidi Steendam
Supervisors: Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz, Sam Lemey